2 Day in Kodaikanal

Tamil nadu

Escape the hustle and bustle of city life and embark on a two-day journey through the serene and picturesque hill station of Kodaikanal, often referred to as the 'Queen of Hill Stations' in South India. Discover dreamy hills, enchanting pathways, and unspoiled natural beauty that will leave you rejuvenated. Here's a detailed itinerary for your Kodaikanal adventure:

Day 1: Kodaikanal

Kodaikanal Lake

Kodai Lake

Start your day with a visit to Kodai Lake, where you can indulge in a relaxing boat ride while soaking in the tranquil lake views. It's the perfect place to kickstart your Kodaikanal experience.

Bryant Park

Next, head to Bryant Park, a well-maintained botanical garden offering a delightful collection of flowers and horticultural specimens. It's an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll amidst nature's beauty.

Bear Shola Falls

Continue your journey to Bear Shola Falls, one of the top attractions in Kodaikanal. This waterfall is a serene oasis surrounded by lush greenery, making it a perfect place to unwind.

Scared Heart Museum

Visit the Scared Heart Museum, home to a vast collection of antique art and craft pieces from the region. Explore the rich cultural heritage of Kodaikanal through these exquisite relics.

Silver Cascade Falls

End your day with a trip to the Silver Cascade Falls, where a dedicated viewing platform allows you to witness the majestic waterfall cascading into a pool. Easily accessible via local transport, it's a mesmerizing sight to behold.

Day 2: Kodaikanal

Kodaikanal Lake

Coaker’s Walk

On day 2, start your exploration with a visit to Coaker’s Walk, a scenic pathway offering panoramic views of the valley below. It's a delightful spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

Pillar Rocks

Continue to Pillar Rocks, where you'll encounter towering rock formations that resemble pillars. The viewpoint here offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding landscapes.

Guna Caves

Explore the mysterious Guna Caves, also known as Devil's Kitchen, where you can wander through narrow, dark passages. These caves have an intriguing history and are sure to pique your curiosity.

Pine Tree Forest

Discover the serene Pine Tree Forest, a tranquil escape surrounded by tall pine trees. It's an ideal location for a peaceful nature walk and some quiet reflection.

Moir Point

Wrap up your Kodaikanal adventure at Moir Point, a scenic viewpoint that provides stunning views of the valley and hills. It's a perfect place to bid farewell to this beautiful hill station.

Don't forget to satisfy your taste buds while in Kodaikanal. Sample mouth-watering homemade Kodai chocolates at 7 Junction Road and Bazaar Road, or try Kiki’s on PT Road and visit the Kodai Chocolate Factory. For spices, natural oils, and more, Jacob's and Spices Corner are excellent choices.

Share this incredible Kodaikanal itinerary with your fellow travel enthusiasts and start planning your unforgettable journey to this 'Queen of Hill Stations'!

Updated on 5 October 2023