Ravana Temple, Jodhpur cover image

Ravana Temple, Jodhpur

This is one of the most underrated places in Jodhpur according to me. What gorgeously crafted cenotaphs and temples are there in this garden.

Auto Rickshaw

Catch and auto rickshaw from the clock tower to Mandore Garden. Would cost around ₹250-₹300 for the round trip and the autowala bhaiya would usually wait for you patiently.


If you are afraid of monkeys and langurs, you would want to visit this place. There are plenty of monkeys in the entire garden. Though there are gaurds near the cenotaphs and temples to shoo away the monkeys and ensure the maintenance of the place.


Sight Seeing

Visit the temple of Maharaja Ajit Singh which is a grand temple with beautiful carvings.


It is also believed that Mandore is the hometown of Ravana's wife. And hence it has a Ravana Temple.



It is also believed that Mandore served as the capital for many Jodhpur kings, but the great Maharaja of Jodhpur abandoned the Mondore Fort and shifted base to Mehrangarh Fort as it would provide safety and protection to the royal kingdom.
